Another Sunday, Another Naive Weekly — Observations From The Internet Wilderness.
Good morning,
The summer haze is evaporating while the everyday rhythm is settling. I appreciate the return of the daily repetitions: the family rituals Uno, Ana, and I have grown, from the morning walk to the daycare to the evening showering. These routines provide a calm container for the week to unfold, just like how writing this newsletter guides me on the internet.
With care,
Roadside Flowers
Reflection is folder poetry radiating Tiana.
Dollhouse is the web as your childhood home with leaking memories.
F… English is a simple PSA.
Ray Glow is a breathing circle luring my attention.
Field Notes
Shell Song
Everest Pipkin tells stories outside of imagination in ways so native to the web that they require your browser. This piece is about “ deepfake voice tech, the ways voices are cut out of bodies and preserved, and how they become both asset and weapon.”
An Incomplete Travel Guide Through the Diaspora
Syllabuses remain to fascinate me, and to make one for the Internet Wilderness is a longstanding item on my imaginary to-do list. This syllabus invites you to examine the South Asian diaspora through five pauses reflecting heritage, authenticity, race, and related ideas. The questions are relevant, the sources rich, and the intention noble. It is part of Syllabus.
Metaphors We Web By
Words shape worlds. In this post, Maggie Appleton visits computer metaphors, showing that how we think about the web influences how it looks. The blog post itself is left unfinished, urging readers to nudge her to finish it, which I find to be an appealing approach for seeding thoughts. And in case she does revisit the post, I’d be curious to see how the space metaphor could be transformed as I find it to encapsulate quite a wide range: from the early surfing the web to the more recent digital townhall, living rooms, and dark forests.
WWWonderful Awards
In our friendly celebration of the roadside flowers it is time to vote between Internet Walks and The Sound of Love. Remember that the selection is intentional, the pairing is random, and the voting criteria are for you to decide.
See last week’s result and follow the celebration here.
I’m happy to receive submissions at Thanks Nynne for sending over a contribution.
Hi, I’m Kristoffer and you have just read Naive Weekly — Observations from the Internet Wilderness.
Tuesday and Wednesday I’ll be hosting the Eclipse stage at The Conference in Malmö, Sweden. Come and say hi if you are there.
Last week this letter was sent to 1187 people. Twenty-eight are crazy enough to chip in every month/year to support me making time to write. Logo by Studio Hollywood. Print by Luka. Postcard by me. Photograph by Ana Santl.