Dear reader
People are joining Naive Yearly from all over the world, including Australia and the USA. These are not places close to Ljubljana, Slovenia. It is heartwarming to know that the internet I care for matters enough to others to make these extensive trips, and I’ll do my best to make the day memorable.
These weeks, I’m talking with the speakers about their contributions. Again, this year, we will experiment with the form and expression of the presentations. The first sketches include a talk within a video game, a participatory reading, a found music video collage, and performance lectures. The web is still present throughout the day. It is the subject of our curiosity and what weaves us together.
If you are thinking of making the trip but don’t know how to get there, please write to me, and I’ll be happy to share what I know about getting to Ljubljana. Also, I’ll be taking a three-week break from Naive Weekly, so the next time you receive this newsletter is July 21st.
With care
Wayside flowers
Field notes
Today is the last day to nominate sites for Tiny Awards. Maybe you have a favorite link from past newsletters? Maybe your friend made a cute website? Maybe you made one yourself?
ctrl + v is a biannual online journal of collage. I struggled to connect with many of the pieces in their latest edition. However, I found Phoebe Myers’ The archive of egress to be a touching short film about her mother’s dementia.
Treat yourself to an ambient internet lecture by Chia Amisola. One day, I’ll host Naive Yearly in a church to provide the most fitting setting for Chia’s performances.
We're all technological beings now; it's ingrained into the way we operate. It's almost an extension of our body. And we already know how we want to shape that technology. We just need to be better supported to do so.
— From An Interview with Spencer Chang
FYI: I’ll keep adding events to the Poetic Web Calendar and opportunities to Call for Participation during my little newsletter pause.
Last email was sent to 3273 inboxes. Logo by Dreamsâ„¢. Photograph by Ana Å antl. And you can reach me at