Dear reader,
Sorry, I went missing the past two Sundays. I was in bed with the flu. It was a surreal time to be sick. My fever dreams morphed with the latest radio news, and I couldn’t tell one from the other. It’s a strange and muddy time. However, what remains clear to me is that we must continue writing soft, poetic, and quirky messages to each other. They might feel inappropriate in hard and loud times, but I believe they are the equivalent of airing your bedroom and dozing off in the sun. Tiny expressions of love and enough to keep you going for another day.
With care,
Wayside flowers
Field notes
Episode 3: Meg Miller. Inventory-ing is my new favourite podcast. It covers many of the same idiosyncrasies and quirks shaping this newsletter, from permacomputing to the poetic web. The interview with Meg Miller is an excellent starting point. Meg is a writer and editor and a significant contributor in expanding our understanding of what the internet is and can be.
We Are What We Consume—a terrible title, I know. Nevertheless, the text is a lovely introduction to Sam Lavigne and Tega Brain. Since the article will introduce you to their collaborative work, let me link to some of their individual work, like Slow Hot Computer and Solar Protocol. Heroes.
LA in Flames. Meanwhile, Emily Segal of Nemesis knows how to write a title. The text is also a real treat if you can entertain readings about astrology, technology, and baby life.
From the Poetic Web Calendar: Writing room experiment on (online, today), Social Media, Governance, and Practices of Care (Berlin, 6/2), Social in the Media get together (Rotterdam, 7/2), Make a website 4 ur valentine with Maya Man (NYC, 9/2), Screen Walk with Lucia Rebolino (Online, 12/2)
Calls for Participation: School for Poetic Computation accepts applicants (Due today), Leslie is collecting digital trash (Due ?), t*issues publishing is gathering love letters (Due 12/2), Permeable Barrier is open for submission (Due 28/2), Spam Zine is open for submissions (Due 12/3), and Ensemble Park is open for submissions (Due 2/4).
Last email was sent to 3896 inboxes. Logo by Dreams™. Photograph by Ana Šantl. And you can reach me at