Dear reader
Sometimes I look out the window while repeating 1600 kilometers per hour to myself, the speed of Earth’s rotation. This was such a week. The projects I’m working on are growing roots important for their resilience but hardly visible from the outside. They are tectonic plates, slowly reshaping territories. Or the mountain I’m overlooking from our balcony, standing still at high speed.
One project I did make public this week was a long-form interview with Yatú Espinosa from USB Club. Yatú is a conceptual mastermind who manages to bring life to his ideas. It is rare to encounter people who dance with theory and practice with such elegance as him. We spoke about USB Club. It is an exemplary approach to stepping backward into the future, acknowledging that technology is embedded in culture and more than new inventions outlined in hype cycles.
With care
Wayside flowers
Field notes
»At the threshold of what feels like a new technological epoch, I felt it necessary to revisit the energy that had brought me to software, and the web, in the first place. Software, not as a service, but as sculpture.«
Reuben Son’s tribute to MIDI files is a celebration of using the internet as a medium for creative expression.
Lurking is the topic of the latest issue of Permeable Barrier, a magazine for Internet Poetry and Art on the Internet. Kieran Devlin’s strange text about an early 00s online forum experience is the perfect starting point.
Gijs de Boer made a fantastic personal website for the artist Sarah Fitterer where her work is cooking inside her head, and you taste your way through it with a cursor spoon.
A few deadlines. Syntax Mag is open to pitches about the dark web until January 26. School for Poetic Computation accepts applicants for their 〜 incredible 〜spring classes until February 2.
Hello! Thank you for reading this far. Last postcard was sent to 2758 inboxes. Logo by Dreams™. Photograph by Ana Šantl.