Dear reader
»Mama is from Slovenia, Dada is from Denmark, and I am from here,« is a standard reply from Uno whenever someone asks us where we are from. »Here?« they often continue.
»Yes, I’m from Greece.«
The week Uno turns four. When we asked how he wanted to celebrate his birthday, he said he wanted to celebrate it on a little island. So that is what we did this weekend; a pre-birthday celebration on a little island. It is also why my newsletter is delayed (in case you noticed).
With care
Wayside flowers
Field notes
Tiny Awards Nominations 2024.
We announced the Tiny Awards nominees. This is a lovely list with some of my favorite websites from the past year. Could you do me a favor and cast your vote? I know awards are silly and arbitrary, but consider this a trojan horse, introducing the world to the poetic internet. And it might already be working because Matt made me aware of a random mention in The Verge.
Continue asking Maya Man about trends, and we might end with a superbloom of tiny flowering worlds.
»For some reason, I followed the rules and did not make a Tumblr account until I was 13. Before I had an account, I used to keep a bookmark of the Tumblr blogs of my favorite anime artists and diligently check them every day. My version of the infinite scroll was to look through every page of one of the artist's reblog account that I thought was pretty funny.«
— Connie Liu in Infinite.
The Orthogonal Bet: The Quest to Find the Poetic Web.
This is a link to a podcast interview with me.
From Call for participation: Chia Amisola is fundraising for the launch of Kakakompyuter mo yan. Alt Text Selfies is accepting submissions to its alt-text selfie collection. Finally, Elliott and I are still looking for personal websites for the Internet Phone Book.
Last email was sent to 3363 inboxes. Logo by Dreams™. Photograph by Ana Šantl. And you can reach me at