Another Sunday, Another Naive Weekly — Observations From The Internet Wilderness.
Good morning,
This coming week I am participating in Hyperlink Academy’s Challenge Garden. It is similar to all the other challenges you know, except this one you have to invent yourself within a few predefined boundaries.
My theme is ‘Tending the Internet Wilderness,’ and in the following seven days I will do the prompts described below. It would be fun if you join me or make your own challenge garden.
With care,
Monday, Nov 22 — Reflect
Answer Jess C Thompson’s nine quick questions about the Internet.
Tuesday, Nov 23 — Escape
Unsubscribe to one newsletter.
Wednesday, Nov 24 — Appreciate
Reply to a newsletter with appreciation. ‘Thank you’ is enough.
Thursday, Nov 25 — Luminate
Add (imaginary) friends to Yatú’s list of People that give off positive energy.
Friday, Nov 26 — Interact
Take a dip in Volvox Pond. And stay until dry.
Saturday, Nov 27 — Touch
Leave a comment in the guestbook of a personal website.
Sunday, Nov 28 — Yarn
Make a public declaration of admiration to one object using either Multiverse or Kinopio.
Ps. if the titles seem obscure, it is because they are, just like r-e-a-l-i-t-y itself.

Diverse Earthquakes in the Age of You
In this post, Christina J. Chua reflects on the collapse of our common sense of time. She references Matthew the Apostle, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Vitruvian Man, Marshall McLuhan, and Hans Ulrich Obrist in what could have been an e-flux article, but it is the leading piece of the latest so-far issue about platforms. Give it a try, and continue to the second article in the same magazine: From Subject-Centred Communities to Persona-Driven Platforms.
“Our generation was born into a time of ceaseless calamity, without any markers by which progress can be perceived, and the technologies we created simply won’t afford us a breather — a pause — by which to consolidate, reconcile, or heal.“ — Christina J. Chua
You are Here
Continuing the thread of reality collapse, this week in Real Life, Leijia Hanrahan wrote about the experience of searching for her name in Google Maps. Where the previous article reflects on the collapse of common time, this unfolds how geography is becoming a more subjective experience. I hope she, or the incredible editors at Real Life, continues exploring the collapse of common geography as the hype train is heading towards the metaverse.
"It suggests how the experience of location itself has been made more subjective, inflected less by the characteristics of a place that anyone can observe and more by the tailored search results that are presented about it.” — Leijia Hanrahan
Ps. I’m happy to receive more!
Hi, I’m Kristoffer and you have just read Naive Weekly — Observations from the Internet Wilderness.
Last week this letter was sent to 764 people. Thirtyone are crazy enough to chip in every month/year to support me making time to write. Logo by Studio Hollywood. Print by Luka. Photograph by Ana Santl.